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Strategy & Positioning

Vision, Values, Strategies – No Success without Direction.

Competitive environments are changing. We have to constantly challenge and adapt our position in the market, our vision, goals and values. Additionally, stakeholders’ enormous expectations of transparency and the increasingly diverse possibilities of social interaction have given rise to opportunities, but also risks.

We focus on the methodical development of mission statements, positioning, and communication strategies. In cooperation with our clients, we question their strategy, messaging, processes, team structure and activities in our “Challenger Workshops”.

We advise and support the board, management, and communication managers with these fundamental challenges. All the while focusing on the main aim of translating corporate strategy into value-driven communication.

3 Daniel J  Hanke

Daniel J. Hanke

Board & Partner

More about Strategy & Positioning?


Phone+49 89 47 02 771-10

„Too often, a positioning is developed out of internal wishful thinking and then boiled up in its own juice. It's all about differentiation from the competition and relevance for customers!“ 

Daniel J. Hanke

H3 Create

Strong ideas with a method

Every idea is a remix. That's why H3 Create includes 20 creative tools with more than 500 stimuli for inspiration: target group insights, brand attributes, inspiring activities, touchpoints and channels, concepts for language style and visual language. H3 Create sessions are flexibly scalable, from half-day brainstorming to offsite sessions lasting several days.

In structured sessions with your team we will devise, within the five phases, creative activities to overcome your challenge.

Discover more about our creative method H3 Create. Daniel J. Hanke is ready to plan your creative session for you and your team.

H3 Create

Creativity with head, heart and hand. Our H3 Create sessions and tools are divided into five phases.


We shed light on topics and target groups through a variety of perspectives and unexpected approaches.


We condense the collected stimuli and establish priorities, thus determining how we can further develop the ideas.


With fast-paced brainstorming tools, we can generate a multitude of ideas and select the most promising approaches.


We create our best ideas quickly and pragmatically as prototypes.


We gather feedback on our prototypes and optimise them in the shortest possible time.

Communication strategy

Successfully combining communication strategy with business strategy

Five “Challenger Workshops”, one goal: optimizing communications within your company. Together we’ll get to the heart of the issue.

Our one to two day workshops help us identify your potential, establish priorities and assign clearly defined tasks. Using structured interviews and scorecards, we efficiently align communication approaches to your business objectives.

"Are we on the right track?” - Strategy Challenger

Your communication strategy contributes to the success of your company; the truth or just wishful thinking? We take a look at the impact of previous or planned communication strategies, using relevant evaluation methods and key performance indicators. We also reflect on future challenges such as transparency and digitalization.

"Are we saying the right thing?" - Messaging Challenger

Together we check the credibility and relevance of your messages; and whether there is the potential to distinguish them in relation to target groups and competitors. The goal: to identify topic areas and performance criteria for the market leader communication approach.

"Are we the right people?" - People Challenger

We analyse which skills your communications department needs, both internally and externally. We create future scenarios and development plans.

"Are we doing the right thing?" - Action Challenger

We identify effective activities and scrutinize the relevant communication channels and target groups. We consider the following: Do you have an innovative approach? Are you making the best possible use of your resources?

"Are we doing it right?" - Process Challenger

Is your communications department up to date or would a reorganisation be sensible? We get to the bottom of this question by taking a look at current and future industry demands, as well as the ideal workflows. Together, we can leverage your efficiency potential.

Case Studies

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